Golden Gate Philharmonic offers a robust music education program including full orchestral training, sectional rehearsals, music theory classes, multiple concert performances, an annual Cazadero Music Camp Retreat, and optional chamber music and “gig” programs.
Orchestra Program
GGP offers orchestral training and experience combining full orchestra rehearsals with smaller sectional rehearsals coached by GGP Faculty. Music rehearsed is primarily from the classical orchestra repertoire, with three individual, full concert performances, typically held in November, February and May.
GGP’s Four Levels of Orchestra:
- CADET ORCHESTRA – No experience required, and no audition required.
- JUNIOR ORCHESTRA – Some previous experience; music reading and basic theory desirable.
- SENIOR ORCHESTRA – Ensemble and sight-reading experience are a must. Ability to play major and minor scales up to 4 sharps and 4 flats.
- CAMERATA – GGP’s top performing group; plays the most challenging music. Membership is limited to the finest players and most dedicated musicians.
Qualified soloists perform with orchestra accompaniment—a rare opportunity for middle school and high school age musicians.
Theory Program
Theory Class and instruction is required for all students. Our program includes theory instruction from beginner through advanced levels, using a comprehensive book series with written exercises. GGP offers Theory Classes as follows:
- CADETS/JUNIORs: work with their instructor during Monday afternoon rehearsals from at Lakeside
- SENIOR/CAMERATA (Intermediate/Advanced) is currently being taught on Zoom, Thursday afternoons from 4:30 – 5:30.
Cazadero Music Camp Retreat
All students are strongly encouraged to attend the Fall Orchestra Retreat, held on the Saturday and Sunday of Columbus Day weekend in October at Cazadero Music Camp. This activity kicks off the season, both musically and socially. Parents and siblings are also encouraged to attend. The retreat is free for all enrolled students; an additional fee applies for parents and siblings.
Optional Chamber Music Program
When possible, GGP offers Chamber Music to expose our students to the vast and rewarding chamber music repertoire and give them the experience and benefit of playing in a smaller group.
GGP hosts chamber music recitals each season, and provides other opportunities for the groups to perform.
Instrument rental and financial aid is available.